xe88 apk About – HARABEL


Harabel is a non-profit organization based in Tirana that focuses on the promotion of contemporary art and has established the biggest open archive of artists in Albania. Born out of the necessity to make contemporary art a commonwealth, free and accessible to all, Harabel was founded in 2018 in the former Blloku, an area situated in the heart of Tirana, inaccessible to citizens during communism, it is today the most vibrant and young of the capital. Harabel aims to become a catalyzer of urban interventions and indoor reflections, by offering an interdisciplinary space for experimentation and research and has a sustainable collaboration with contemporary artists, alongside researchers, curators, architects, sociologists, publishers, scientists and other professionals, with the intention to involve the city in its diverse social and educational aspects.
Harabel është një organizatë jofitimprurëse, me qendër në Tiranë që përqendrohet në promovimin e artit bashkëkohor dhe ka krijuar arkivin më të madh të hapur të artistëve në Shqipëri. Lindur nga nevoja për ta bërë artin bashkëkohor një pasuri të përbashkët, të lirë dhe të ndjekur nga shumëkush, Harabel është hapur në vitin 2018 në zonën e ish-Bllokut, pikërisht në zemër të Tiranës, zonë e cila ka qenë e padepërtueshme për qytetarët gjatë periudhës së komunizmit, kurse sot është vendi më rinor dhe me më shumë gjallëri në kryeqytet. Harabel synon të jetë një ndërmjetësues nxitës për ndërhyrje urbane dhe reflektime, duke ofruar një hapësirë ndërdisiplinore për eksperimentim dhe kërkim. Platforma synon bashkëpunimin e qëndrueshëm me artistë bashkëkohorë, si edhe me hulumtues, kuratorë, arkitektë, sociologë, publicistë, shkencëtarë dhe specialistë të fushave të tjera, me qëllim ndikimin në qytet, në drejtime të ndryshme sociale dhe edukative.


Zef Paci

is graduated in Monumental Painting from High Institute of Arts in Tirana and has obtained PhD from Center of Albanological Studies, Tirana at the Institute of Studies of Anthropology and Art. He was curator of different solo and collective exhibitions of Albanian artists & photographers and now he is Professor of Art History and Painting in the University of Arts, Tirana.

Ema Andrea

lives and works in Tirana. She is an actress, a director, a curator and a performer in several contemporary events in Albania. She is also a lecturer at the University of Arts, in Body – Language. She has continued her studies in Denmark, Bulgaria, Austria and Italy, for art management, acting, film and body language. She has collaborated in foreign productions as a director “Davanti al vuoto” in Mantova, as actress in “ Patriotic Hypermarket ” In Beograd.  In 2013 she becomes the co-founder and manager of M.A.M centre. Ema is honoured with prizes in several festivals of the region and Europe.

Alicia Knock

Working with Christine Macel for the Contemporary art & Prospective Department of the Centre Pompidou, Alicia Knock tries to explore new exhibition & working format, questioning the museum itself  through multidisciplinary projects (Harmony Korine, 2017). She is also working at expanding the museum towards West Africa and Central Europe, through both acquisitions and exhibitions. In charge of recent Duchamp Prize exhibitions (Kader Attia, Yto Barrada, Ulla von Brandenburg and Barthélémy Toguo, 2016; “The most foreign country”, women artists from the Duchamp Prize, Fondation Fernet Branca, 2017; Maja Bajevic, Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige, Charlotte Moth, Vittorio Santoro, 2017), she is also involved in the new project space of the Pompidou, Galerie 0, aiming at becoming a laboratory for new practices (Museum On/Off, 2016). 

Eroll Bilibani

is a producer and actor, known for Home (2016), Kosova Brothers (2018) and Smoke (2015).Eroll Bilibani,is the Executive Director of DokuFest, International Documentary and Short Film Festival.

Marco Scotini

is an Italian curator, writer and art critic based in Milan. Scotini Artistic Director of the FM Center for Contemporary Art in Milan. He’s has curated more than two hundred solo exhibitions of artists: Albanian Pavilion, Prague Biennale and others in Europe, Asia.

Maja Ćirić

is an independent curator and art critic. She is a citizen of both Belgrade, Serbia and transnationalrepublic.org. She has worked in Belgrade, New York, Vienna, San Diego, Dubai, and Shanghai.

Tommaso Sacchi

lives and works in Florence. Tommaso is not only a curator, organizer and consultant in the field of creativity and artistic production also the teaching activity at the Academy of Fine Arts in Como and at the European Institute of Design in Florence, in addition to the interventions as guest lecturer at important institutions in Milan such as the Catholic University, the School of Paolo Grassi’s Dramatic Art, the Domus Academy, the NABA and the Brera Academy.

Jonida Turani

is an albanian architect and curator based in Venice, Italy. She has co-curated exhibitions at the intersection between art, architecture and geopolitics such as Mediterranea 18 and the Albanian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale of Architecture.

Tea Çuni

lives and works in Shkodër. She’s specialized in cultural communication and graduated in Language and Culture Communication at the University of Turin, Italy. From 2014-2016, she was director of the “Site of Witness and Memory”, a memorial dedicated to the victims of communism in Albania, she has been the coordinator at Art House, a space for contemporary art initiated by the Albanian artist Adrian Paci, now she is the head of the communication sector for the Marubi National Museum of Photography.

Driant Zeneli

In 2019 and 2011 he represented Albanian Pavilion at the 58th and 54th International Art Exhibition – Venice Biennale. In 2017 he won the MOROSO Prize and in 2009 the Young European Artist Award Trieste Contemporanea. In 2008 he won the Onufri International Contemporary Art Prize, Tirana. He was the artistic director of Mediterranea 18, the Young Artists Biennale from Europe and Mediterranean, taking place for the first time in 2017 between Tirana and Durres in 2017.


Ketrina Braho

Programme Coordinator 

Xhoi Skënderasi

Programme Executive